Online Expert Guidance

Health Versus Fitness

The Difference You Need To Know

Being EXTREME towards fitness pursuits can be a tricky one to debate in some domains. 

Let’s imagine a top endurance athlete or a pro body builder, for example.

On the one hand, as human-beings we can’t help but applaud the dedication and impressive feats (and aesthetics) they demonstrate on a daily basis.

On the other hand, the bombardment of extreme efforts are more than likely to compromise their health. 


Another example often dismissed, though just as compromising..

The overstressed, overworked, malnourished, sleep deprived, busy go-getters.

The same ones that then deliver high-intensity efforts in a gym, studio or park, three, four or even five times a week. All in the name of health. 

Stress dump on top of well, stress.


When we talk about health and fitness in general conversation, they’re so often intertwined. Understandably so. They seem to be perfect mates.

BUT, have a ponder on this next statement for a moment..

While it’s difficult to be healthy and unfit, it’s ENTIRELY possible to be fit and unhealthy.

The latter fact I know too well. It was my life for a long time. 

I was super fit AND very unhealthy, at the same time. 

A chiseled body, but with an immune system smashed to smithereens. And no-one would’ve guessed, including myself for the majority. 

Why? Well, because I looked fit.

To be clear, striving for fitness goals and having a physically active lifestyle will be beneficial to anybody’s general health, in more ways than one. And a far better alternative than the other end of the spectrum.

Though, it’s best to view general health as one consideration, and then physical fitness as another. Or as a bare minimum, keep awareness of both close to mind.

Health refers to a state of overall well-being. A broader concept, chairing factors like nutrition, sleep, stress management, mental health, and social-wellbeing.

It’s a state of being FREE from illness or injury and having a GOOD quality of life.

While fitness hones in on physical health and the body’s ability to perform physical activities such as strength, endurance, flexibility, and agility.

No-one knows our body, routines, like’s and dislikes, better than ourselves, and we hold the answers to the best approach to our health and lifestyle, even if it’s buried deep within. 

Follow this path forward and amazing shifts can take place, as YOU are in control and the principle decision maker. This will heed accountability from yourself. 

Celebrating mini wins in this fashion, will promote as cascade of self-confidence momentum and will massage your autonomy.

Therefore, sustainable healthy change odds are boosted.

There are many circumstances where middle-aged people in need of a health coach, opt for personal training guidance, where (generally) the emphasis will be placed on fitness and body composition goals (hit this weight by this date). 

Fair enough if the goal is for a social reunion or a beach holiday, though what about the rest?

Think choosing a teacher-to-student arrangement (follow my program and rules) over being guided and nurtured to find your own way that suits you perfectly.

There’s also times where people in need of fitness guidance may seek advice from a life-stylist or nutritionist. 

Why not have a programme that offers a MASTER BLEND of the best from both concepts?

A programme that can craft holistic health change, as well as ingraining expert fitness know-how to last you a lifetime.

That’s what I do here at Coach Overton.