Are you ready to elevate your fitness game so you can show up better to life, but feeling a bit lost on where to begin?
If you’re in your late 30s or 40s and looking to level up your physical and mental performance, let’s dive into a fresh perspective that goes beyond the typical executive fitness routine.
Forget the traditional approach to fitness for a moment. It’s not just about hitting the gym or going for a run in the park.
Let’s take a cue from our wise ancestors – a rounded approach to fitness starts with incorporating movement into every aspect of your day.
Ever heard of the “Active Coach Potato Syndrome”? Yes, it’s a real thing!
So, what does purposeful, frequent movement look like for someone like you with a packed schedule?
- Planned Exercise: Spice up your routine by incorporating a mix of low-level cardio, regular intense strength sessions, and occasional sprints. Bid farewell to the monotony of traditional cardio, unless you’re training for something competitive, of course.
- Spontaneous Movement: Break up sedentary periods at work, during your commute, and at home. Take short walks, use stairs, or sneak in quick stretches. Opt for the floor in front of the TV instead of the sofa. Every little bit counts!
The beauty of this approach is that you can achieve remarkable fitness results without disrupting your tight schedule.
Even better, you might even find yourself reclaiming precious time to indulge in activities you love. How welcome would that be?
Remember, fitness and health start with frequent movement and nourishing your body with nutrient-dense foods and quality water.
It might not be groundbreaking news, but sometimes the power of a gentle reminder can have a significant impact.
Perhaps I’ve got just the ticket to get you started right now.
It’s my FREE online course:
It’s 18-bitesize-lessons of straight-talking, easy-to-implement guidance, so you can fine-tune and rocket toward the body and health you want.
It basically breaks down the secrets to effortless body fat control, by tweaking your metabolic health (without doubt the most misunderstood and underutilised thing going in the world of looking and feeling awesome!).
Plus you’ll learn how to stay clear from the most common, time-consuming mistakes when you turn-on your fitness game.
My gift to you! 🎁💫😎