6 Trouble-Making Eating Mistakes I Wish I knew 10 years Ago

Apr 4, 2024

There I was sat on the kitchen top again, shaking my head in self-yuck..

The food I’d scoffed down was not healthy, yet I found myself repeating this crazed routine day after day.

Tossing another empty box of crab sticks in the bin, I knew it was time for a change!

These so-called “non-fattening” snacks had become my go-to solution for post work-out hunger pangs.

I thought it was a master-stroke.. Being able to fully stuff my face with a low-fat choice. I was a 0% kinda guy..

The twisted thing is the word Surimi suggests a natural seafood – don’t you think?

Who are we kidding.. Imitation crab meat is up there with the most Frankenstein foods going!

Somewhere along the line I was getting my priorities mixed up big time, and it had got me thinking..

I’d never been properly taught how food affects our hormones. Without the science jargon, I mean. How about you?

If I knew my misguided food choices would have such an major impact on hunger levels, appetite and cravings, I would’ve experimented sooner.

Well if this hits home friend, you’re not alone.

Did you know the British Nutrition Foundation (BNF) revealed that 43% of adults surveyed admit that they find it difficult to find reliable information on healthy diets – with changing advice from media and experts being the biggest causes for confusion (76% and 61% respectively).

But wait, there’s good news.. I made a major breakthrough, and I can help you cut through the noise too!

So, let’s bring to the stage 6 Trouble-Making Eating Mistakes that might be holding you back.

Grasp them tight, so you can get to work in fixing them!

Mistake 1 – Overeating

You’re seated at the dinner table, and the meal in front of you is simply delicious. You savour every bite, clearing your plate, and then your inner voice shows up right on cue, demanding you to indulge in even more.

Can you relate?

Frequent overeating might be the stumbling block on your path to a healthier you and the body you want.

However, the real question isn’t so much about the challenges of portion control. 

Instead, it should be about why you have such monster appetite in the first place.

Addressing this issue is the key to preventing overeating from silently undermining your body composition goals.

Mistake 2 – Not Eating To Satiety (Restrictive Eating)

As with many aspects of life, there’s a spectrum.

So, if overeating is a mistake, you might be wondering what the equally unhelpful opposite might be.

Yes, you guessed it.

A mistake you may make frequently is not eating until you’re truly satisfied.

Whether it’s in a single meal setting prompted by concerns about calorie intake or being restrictive over an extended period in an attempt to control or lose weight.

When you don’t allow yourself to eat until you’re comfortably full, your body may respond with cravings, making it difficult to resist indulging in unhealthy snacks and overeating during your next meal.

It’s essential to recognise the importance of listening to your body’s hunger and fullness cues, as well as the role of balanced, satisfying meals in preventing these pitfalls.

Mistake 3 – Grains And Starchy-Carbs Obsession 

When hunger strikes, does your focus zoom in on starchy choices like bread, pasta, rice, or perhaps something potato?

This leads us to Carb Dependency, and the effects it has on your metabolism.

The high-carb meal choice offers a comforting and swift energy fix. But there’s no escaping the daily rollercoaster ride of energy swings when you eat this way, often prompting those late-night sugary snacks and cravings when you should be feeling content.

It’s fair to say that grains (pasta, bread, rice, noodles, and the like) have become a psychological fixture in our meal choices, deeply rooted in tradition. 

You likely had a carb-centric approach imprinted on you from your earliest memories associated with eating. Think on it for a moment.

Relying on them as a dietary staple may not align with our modern understanding of nutrition, given that alongside their high-carb profile they also contain compounds that can be problematic during digestion.  

A question to ask yourself is whether this reliance is based more on tradition and psychological comfort than on actual nutritional benefits.

Mistake 4 – Eating Sugar (Including Liquid Calories)

In our discussion of carb-induced energy swings, let’s not forget the profound impact of sugar on your current metabolic state and overall health.

Consuming excessive sugar, including those sneaky grams found in sugary beverages, can keep you stuck in the same never-ending rollercoaster ride, with no consideration for how this perpetual loop affects your day-to-day life.

The key is to be mindful of your sugar intake and choose healthier alternatives like natural sweeteners (stevia is an excellent choice) and whole fruits.

Take steps to reduce your sugar consumption, and you’ll be well on your way to achieving stable energy levels and better overall health.

Mistake 5 – Eating Unhealthy Fats

Now, let’s explore another pitfall: indulging in unhealthy fats.

We’ve already discussed why fats are essential, but it’s crucial to remember that not all fats are created equal.

Consuming unhealthy fats, such as refined vegetable oils, margarines, and trans fats often found in packaged foods and takeaways, can wreak havoc on your health.

These unhealthy fats are culprits in promoting systemic inflammation, significantly elevating your risk of heart disease and other health issues.

Unfortunately, food producers don’t always prioritise your health, which is why these poor-quality fats find their way into a wide range of food products.

The solution?

Avoid these problematic fats whenever possible.

Take the time to explore the healthier fats you can include in your diet, like those found in avocados, nuts, and olive oil (just to name a few) to promote better health and holistic feel-good symptoms.

Mistake N.6 – Extended Eating Windows

Do you find yourself starting your day with breakfast as a top priority, and having your last bites of something close to bedtime?

*If so, your eating window may be open between 13-17 hours per day. 

Consuming food over extended periods can disrupt your body’s natural rhythm, significantly affecting hormonal balance and metabolism function.

Many people don’t give much thought to eating windows. However, it’s during the fasting periods when your body’s cells do most of their ‘house-cleaning’ work, as they’re not busy digesting food.

Are you a grazer throughout the day, believing it revs up your metabolism?

Well, you now know why this may not be the case.

Recognising how this eating approach might be hindering your progress could be the key breakthrough you’ve been seeking.

Now you know what the common eating mistakes are, your can explore how you can fix them. 

Marc Overton is an elite Personal Trainer, Master Primal Health Coach, and founder of Coach Overton based in Soho, London. He teaches clients how to break free from diet and exercise frustration, with a simple and sustainable approach. You can sign up for Marc’s free online course here –  https://coachoverton.thinkific.com/courses/how-to-fix-eating-and-exercise-mistakes