A 3-Step Guide to Boost Energy and Focus in Your 30’s and 40’s

Feb 5, 2024

Imagine the possibilities if you could bring your A-game every single day.

Strikes a chord? Well, you’re not alone.

So let’s jump straight in and unpack how to tackle energy draining habits, and refocus your drive.

Picture this: It’s 6:00am, and your alarm is kicking-off right on cue.

As you fumble for your phone, that familiar sense of urgency sets in.

The day is about to begin, launching you into the mayhem of both your work and family life – meetings, decisions, deadlines, and chores. It’s relentless.

Brushing your teeth, you lock eyes with yourself in the mirror and begin to mutter the same thoughts you do most mornings:

Ones like..

‘Seriously. Late Netflix binge again!’


‘What happened to no wine during the week?’

Or perhaps the classic..

‘I can’t believe you scoffed that *insert something for the sugar devil* just before bed?’

As comforting as modern life can be it can easily take a toll on energy and productivity, and weaken your decision making. Even with your best intentions at heart.

Consider not only yourself but also your team, friends, and family.

How about the people you observe at the station platform, or eating lunch on the park bench?

Doesn’t it seem more people struggle with health nowadays than thrive?

If we’re being candid, Earth life at present isn’t our biggest health ally, is it?

So, let’s get back-to-basics.

Here’s 3 things you can implement to put a bounce back in your step, sharpish!

Step 1: Rediscover Nutrient-Rich Fuel

Are you riding the ebb and flow of energy most days?

The mid-morning dip, the post-lunch lull, and the late-afternoon haze. All too familiar?

To unlock real freedom and boost energy and focus in your late 30s and 40s, the only place to start is by eating nutrient-rich foods.

Stick to this principle every plate and your genes will somersault, screaming, ‘Finally, that’s nourishment!’.

It’s key to craft an awareness of foods that spike your blood sugar too.

Becoming familiar with the Glycemic Index (G.I) will open this book for you.

No need to intensely revise the charts. Just look up foods you like and consume often for insight on hormonal and metabolic function within you.

A Measure Of How Quickly Blood Sugar Rise After Eating A Particular Food

Make this adjustment, and you’ll experience a surge in energy and productivity within just a few days.

So, what foods am I talking about?

Whole, natural choices the planet provides. Anything you can hook, catch, pull, pluck, crack open.

What’s best to side-step or heavily reduce?

Added sugar, simple carbohydrates (especially flour-based foods), fried foods – partially-hydrogenated oils, and vegetable seed oils such as sunflower and rapeseed, as they’re pro-inflammatory.

Step 2: Think About Yourself As An Animal (it’s a thought worth entertaining from time-to-time)

As you expand your dietary awareness, it’s also crucial to consider the bigger picture.

The primal approach values movement aligned with our evolutionary design, which makes a lot of sense.

Strive to be proactive in countering your desk-bound hours with refreshing activities.

Whether a brisk walk during a brainstorming session or incorporating simple bodyweight exercises, it’s about reconnecting with the natural movements your body craves.

✨ Quick story 👇🏼

Early last summer I produced a video series.

The set involved me sitting down at a desk, as I filmed take-after-take. Daily shoots were averaging three hours straight, over a few weeks of craft.

You may be thinking what’s the big deal? That’s nothing over-sedentary.

Though for context I rarely sit still for more than one hour.

When I’m glued to something digital I make a conscious effort to stand-up, squat or kneel.

Even with a movie on I tend to hit the floor, knowing I’m more likely to stretch muscles and tendons, or just shuffle around.

Put it this way – A traffic jam’s ironically the fastest way to destroy my inner calm!

Within a week, my body felt stiffer.

By week three I may as well have morphed into Gollum, and was noticeably more grumpy.

That’s a change to pay attention to, in such a short time of shifting my physical activity.

Imagine what one year or five can do!

Good reason to keep moving, and encourage your elderly loved ones to defy the arm-chair existence!

Key takeaway – Use it or lose it!

Step 3: Break Free from Modern Habits and Hyper Connectivity

This isn’t a trend; it’s a return to your roots, a way to thrive in the modern hustle that as discussed is doing an incredible job of making us sick.

You now know how to break free from the cycle of snacking, unsupportive food choices, and sedentary behaviour.

The next trick is to give yourself the space to rest, recover, and disconnect. For both your body and mind.

As simple as this sounds, almost everyone testifies it’s a challenge to implement day-to-day.

How many times have you found yourself in bed with the lights out, scrolling past your optimal bedtime?

If you want to boost your energy and focus, then make finding time everyday to recharge a non-negotiable.

A powerful place to start is giving thought to a morning and evening routine.

Look into any methods that you actually enjoy doing to harness energy and bring calm to your mind.

A few of my favourites are morning meditation, gentle stretching, warm candle-lit baths in the evening before bed.

Here’s an essential tip for stress management I say to all my private clients:

‘Get yourself out in nature whenever possible! Park walks, forests, beach-side if you’re lucky.’

Our genes are programmed to heighten in natural environments, which almost instantly improves your mood. Take advantage when you can.

Inspired To Change?

Perhaps I’ve got just the ticket to get you started right now.

It’s my FREE online course:

‘How To Fix Eating And Exercise Mistakes So You Can Finally Achieve Lasting Results.’


It’s 18-bitesize-lessons of straight-talking, easy-to-implement guidance, so you can fine-tune and rocket toward the body and health you want.

It basically breaks down the secrets to effortless body fat control, by tweaking your metabolic health (without doubt the most misunderstood and underutilised thing going in the world of looking and feeling awesome!).

Plus you’ll learn how to stay clear from the most common, time-consuming mistakes when you turn-on your fitness game.

My gift to you! 🎁💫😎

So, here’s to your life filled with laughs, and a well-nourished, energised you!

Coach Marc